These are my god kids- Jake, Samara, and the newest baby Kendall. I love them, not just because they’re my god kids, but they also have these crazy amazing personalities. We wanted to do a newborn session for Kendall, but the older two needed to tag along too. I took Jake and Sam out behind the Highline Canal in the wilds of Littleton, Colorado to fight stormtroopers while my mom took Kendall’s pictures. Kendall cries just about every time I see her, so it seemed to work out better that way. I promise I’m not that scary!
Jake says, “We’re soooo cute when we snuggle!” I’d have to agree.
Dana says, “I think we’re at the age where I’m going to have mostly silly face pictures.” We tried to show Jake how to do the upside down finger mask, but he couldn’t quite figure it out yet…
This about sums these kids up right now. Jake loves baby Kendall, Samara’s not quite sure what to make of her yet… and Kendall’s crying because I’m still there…
“Oh, she’s gone!”
Hiding from Stormtroopers…
You can really tell here that Jake put his shorts on backward that morning and refused to switch them for our session. Silly kid…
Brian, you are in so much trouble. It’s the little crooked Han Solo smile to herself that’s going to get those boys every time…
Don’t fool yourself, Kendall is still crying here, even though the window was pretty interesting. Next time we’ll try a morning session and see if she’s happier to see me then!
Crazy love these pictures – Amanda Tipton, you should give up wedding photography and just do kid pictures…no, wait, scratch that as your mom would kill me for saying so.
Thank you Jessica! We can still do both, right? I think I'd be sad if I had to do just one or the other!